We are a group of computer professionals with multi-decade experience. We have extensive knowledge and know-how's of computer operating systems and software. We also posses expertise in computer optimization and security technologies.
Nevertheless, sometimes we are just like you, who encounter issues like Port Number errors, as they are now being closely associated with our daily computing experience through email communications and web browsing.
Portnumbers.info is your definitive online guide to all popular port numbers. We design and build this site to make it become the largest free online resource of port numbers.
New port numbers are being used and popularized every year, if not every month. Simply put, it is impossible to keep your PC always updated so that it can work with every port number. Nevertheless, it is possible, that by visiting our site, you can read and understand what a particular port number is and how to make your computer work with this port number.
It is our passion, that through portnumbers.info, we offer you a complete, comprehensive and easy-to-understand knowledge base of port numbers, so that your daily computing life becomes productive, secure and enjoyable.